
About us

Aloha, Travelers!

We're Danni and Fede, a couple traveling the world full time in search of unique destinations and experiences. Let us share with you a little bit about of who we are, and why we decided to create this blog.
Ushguli, Svaneti, Georgia in Europe

Two Travelers Meant to Meet

Danni was born in the United States. She studied Resort Tourism Management in college and lived in Spain for 2 years before deciding to work onboard cruise ships.

Fede was born in Argentina. He studied Audiovisual Arts in college and did a Work & Travel experience in the United States before applying to a cruise line for the first time.

It was in 2017, onboard a big cruise ship, that we met while working on a transatlantic crossing from Barcelona to Florida, and within a matter of weeks of going out together we realized we had the same travel goals.

Our first date onboard Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas

Ship Life Together

After only 3 months, Danni had to leave the ship and Fede remained onboard for another two weeks, but this was far from being over. She booked a flight and went all the way down to Argentina to visit Fede for the first time.

In 2018 the first challenge came along. We were going to get sent to different ships and, as our contracts were between 5 and 7 months, it was crucial that we managed to get sent to the same ship. Otherwise it was going to be hard to stay together for so long.

Luckily, we made it happen! And we kept working together for a long time. And even living in the same cabin!

working onboard Brlliance of the seas, about us

Working onboard Brilliance of the Seas for our second contract together 

Roatan cruise ship

Being cruise ships together allowed us to see the world and travel at the same time!

Our First Travels Together (Outside Ships)

In 2019 we decided to make a change and have a full year (almost) of pure traveling. We visited Iguazu Falls in Argentina (one of the seven natural wonders of the world) in March, and our first big trip started on April 1st, when we left Buenos Aires to discover South America.

Uyuni Salt Flats Reflection
Rainbow Mountain, Peru
Machu Picchu

Our first trip together was a 6 week trip through South America.

We got all the way up to Ecuador, passing through Uruguay, Chile, Bolivia and Peru first. It was an amazing trip that showed us that we could do this in the long run.

After our South American trip we went up to the United States to enjoy the summer there, while deciding what our next step was going to be. We attended cruise job fairs in New York and in London and, of course, we took advantage of each time to travel around.

Brooklyn is one of the most touristic places in New York.

Tower Bridge, in London, opens up once in a while to let ships pass through.

When the summer was setting, we found out it was literally cheaper to fly and travel through Central America than waiting for some job answers by sitting in the US, so we took a $120 flight to Panama and started our way up!

We visited Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and El Salvador while staying in touch with our next employers. And by September, Danni was joining a new cruise line to give it a try to some new destinations and duties onboard. Fede had to wait a little longer to join (he actually stayed in El Salvador, working in a hostel located at a lake that was formed inside a volcano crater!)

Best places to travel in January- El Salvador
Bocas del Toro, Panama, Central America
Ometepe, Nicaragua, best places to visit in Central America

In 2019 we traveled through Central America, seeking hidden gems.

We worked until the end of 2019 onboard a new company, and we left the ship by December to celebrate the holidays with Danni's family.

January 2020 came by, and we had to go down to Argentina to visit Fede's family. So instead of getting a $800 flight from New York to Buenos Aires, we spent less than half (literally) and did a 12 days down trip, stopping in three South American countries that are small but beautiful: Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana.

Pedra do Telegrafo

Pedra do Telegrafo is an amazing optical illusion in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Don't worry, she's not in real danger!

A Challenging Time Apart

2020 was challenging year, as for many. Danni started working for Virgin Voyages, while Fede was stuck at home due to the pandemic starting. We spent 8 months apart, where Danni was quarantined on a cruise ship, and Fede was working in Argentina.

We struggled trying to find a way to get back together, as the world was shut down. Finally we found one country that would take both of us in, our beloved savior- Mexico.

Grutas de Tolontongo, best places to visit in Mexico
colorful church Tabasco Mexico
Holbox, yucatan peninsula in Mexico

Mexico allowed us to reunite after 8 months apart in 2020.

Reuniting in a Beautiful Country

We spent two months traveling all over the country, seeking hidden gems and lesser known destinations outside the touristy areas of Cancun and Tulum.

Then we spent the winter holidays in the US, and started 2021 traveling to Colombia, Puerto Rico, and California.

and being apart once again

In May 2021 Danni got called back to the ship, and Fede was back in Argentina. After a few months apart again, we realized our time on ships was meant to come to an end.

Now, Let the Full Time Travels Begin!

We reunited in July 2021, and now have been traveling together again ever since! We have visited 50 countries so far, and plan on visiting many more!

The summer of 2021 we finally decided it was time for us to fully pursue our dreams as photographers, content creators, and bloggers. We jumped from continent to continent exploring everything from the black sand beaches of El Salvador, to the natural wonders of Rome and Petra

El Tunco, places to visit in El Salvador

We always look for underrated destinations, like El Salvador.

We decided to regroup and finish 2021 in Argentina, with our first apartment together for two months in Buenos Aires.

2022 has started with 3 months in Spain, an exciting trip to Abu Dhabi, and an adventurous summer ahead exploring Eastern Europe.

Abu Dhabi, about us
Telal Resort, about us
Abu Dhabi Desert

Working with the tourism board of Abu Dhabi in February, 2022.

Our Promise to Our Community

We continue to strive to find hidden gems to share with you! Now we are providing everything from free photo and travel guides, to professional photo sessions and perfectly curated travel itineraries.

Our photo presets can bring your Instagrammable shots to life with the click of a button, our blogs will help you discover those hidden gems, and our personalized photo books can help you savior all of the memories that you create.

Make sure to sign up for our newsletter below to stay in the know! As a thank you, we are also providing you with a free travel planner to stay organized and get you to start your own epic trips. Say hello by dropping us a comment, email, or DM on our Instagram. Cheers!

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