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Where is the Best Place to Travel in March? (and Where to Avoid)

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March is an interesting time to travel, as it is the beginning of the Spring Break madness across the US. Schools have off, and families and a college kids flee to escape the cold and party hard. With it being such a busy time, it can be hard to choose the best place to travel in March, but that's why we're here to help!

Chances are, if you're on your page you know that we like to escape the crowds, unless it's for some kind of epic event. That's why we tend to avoid certain destinations during this Month, and flock towards others. 

There are tons of great places to travel in March. So we're going to share some of our favorites, and those that we think you should steer clear from.

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Where to Travel in March: Options for the Best Place to Travel in March

Here are some of our favorite spots throughout the globe, and where to travel to in March this year.

The Best Place to Travel in March #1: Valencia, Spain

Last month we shared the best places to travel in February. On this list there were a few places throughout Spain that made the list for their amazing carnival celebrations.

Well we're coming back to Spain for another fun event called Las Fallas! Valencia is hands down one of the best places of where to travel in March. This is due to its incredibly unique festival that is held every year during a five day span in the middle of the month.

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Las Fallas Festival

The origin of Las Fallas comes from the old carpenter’s tradition of celebrating the arrival of spring on March 19th by burning pieces of wood that were used to prop up their lights during the winter.

Each year aspiring artists work for months on end to create their best colorful gigantic structure. The pieces are spread throughout the city of Valencia for tourists and local to admire, while having various festivities. Some of these include parties in the streets, fireworks, and giant paellas served.

Las Fallas, best place to travel in March

Las Fallas is one of the most unique festivals in the world.

The final day of Las Fallas there is a winner chosen of all of the structures, and all is burned to the ground with enormous bonfires. The festival truly makes Valencia such a unique place to travel in March, and a festival you will never forget.

Look for a place to stay in Valencia:

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The Best Place to Travel in March #2: Dublin, Ireland

Wondering what place to travel in March for more holiday events? Another one of our favorite places to travel to this month is Dublin, for the famous celebration of St Patrick's Day. 

Every year on March 17th locals and tourists gather for a giant parade and parties in the streets and bars of Dublin. The city is covered from top to bottom in green, as well as all of those celebrating. So get ready for a pint of Guinness and experience one of the best celebrations around the world!

St. Paddies, best place to travel in March

Looking for another great place to celebrate St. Patrick's Day?  New York also hosts a giant parade, and has plenty of different celebrations throughout the city and surrounding boroughs.

Look for accommodation in Dublin:

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The Best Place to Travel in March #3: India

As you can tell, we truly love unique celebrations throughout the world, and another one of them you can find in the country of India.

One of the best places to travel in March is here, so that you can experience the wildly colorful Holi Festival. This popular Hindu Celebration is also known as the "Festival of Lights", "festival of colors", or "festival of love".

Holi Festival, best place to travel in March

India is the best place to travel in March for some color and fun.

Holi Festival

The celebration is one night and one full day, starting with a  bonfire the night before. This symbolizes the triumph of good over the bad, and let's people unite to get rid of resentment and bad feelings. The following day people play with colors in the street, and then in the evening they show love and respect to their loved ones.

Holi Festival is celebrated all throughout India, making this country one of the very best places to travel in March.

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Where to Travel in March Pin
Where to Travel in March Pin

The Best Place to Travel in March #4: Japan

One of the things that Japan is so well known for is their stunning cherry blossoms.

Each year the world waits for these trees to bloom and show their beautiful pale pink and white flowers. The flowers usually blossom in the end of March, and stay until the beginning to middle of April.

Also known as "Hamani" the Cherry Blossom Festival is celebrated for the mark of spring beginning. While the exact activities and dates vary depending on city, we definitely count on Japan as one of the best places to travel in March.

Cherry Blossoms in Japan, best place to travel in March

The cherry blossom season usually starts the end of March.

The Best Place to Travel in March #5: Washington, DC, USA

Want to experience the magic of cherry blossoms, but can't afford to go all the way to Japan? Well there is also a famous cherry blossom festival right in the capital of the USA, Washington DC!

The festival actually commemorates the gift of the cherry trees from the Japanese on March 27th, 1912. Now, each year at the end of March to early April people gather from all over to admire the stunning trees in full bloom. There is also a huge parade throughout the city for everyone to enjoy.

Want to know more about this celebration? Head to the Official site for all of the details.

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Where to Travel in March: Places NOT to Go

Now that you know a few of the best options for a place to travel in March, here are some that you should avoid. This is a bit different than what we usually mention, but definitely think it will help you. This is our personal opinion for those that want to avoid crowds and overpriced places.

However, if you have kids, or are a college student, then these are actually places that may in fact interest you.

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Where to NOT Travel in March #1: Disney, Orlando

Looking for absolute chaos, long lines, and screaming children? Then Disney World is exactly the place.

Many kids have off from school in March, and temperatures are still cold up north. Due to this, families flee the winter at this time and flood Disney World. Flights are more expensive and hotels are packed. So, for us, it is definitely not one of the best places to travel in March.

Where to NOT Travel in March #2: Caribbean Cruises

Previously working on cruise ships for years as a youth staff, I can first hand say what a nightmare March is for cruising in the Caribbean

Prices of cruises are hiked up, and cruises are filled to the brim with spoiled and wild children.

catamaran in Cozumel, Mexico, place to travel in March
Laguna Bonanza, Mexico, place to travel in March
Labadee Haiti, Royal Caribbean zip line, place to travel in March

The Caribbean is so much better in the off season.

If you're looking to drop your kid in the kids club all day and have a drink at the pool, then this may be for you. However, if you're a couple, or group of adults, then this is definitely something you want to think twice about.

working on a cruise is super fun! (Other than the couple of weeks of spring break). It's a great way to travel while you work, and make friends from around the world. Want to know all about this exciting experience? Take a peak at the link above.

Where to NOT Travel in March #3: Cancun, Mexico

Most college kids have off for spring break in March, and flee down to Cancun to have a wild week of getting hammered on the beach. 

If you're in college, then this is one of the best Spring Breaks to take. But if you're not in college and want to actually enjoy the beauty of Cancun, then this is the worst time to visit.

Playa Langosta, things to do in Cancun, place to travel in March
Faro de Cancun, Things to do in Cancun, place to travel in March
the best things to do in Cancun, place to travel in March

Cancun is a great destination! But it certainly won't look like this in March.

Want to visit Cancun like a local? Well we have the perfect recommendations for you! Check the article below for all of the fun things to do in Cancun without spending a fortune.

What are the best things to do in Cancun? Look this up and chances are you'll find the same info. Many times you will find pictures of people chilling at a huge pool in a resort, or young adults partying in the famous clubs. But we're here to tell you

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Where to NOT Travel in March #4: Panama City Beach, Florida

This is another college spring break hot spot, and one of the only reasons many young people even know of Panama City Beach.

This is exactly where I went for spring break every year. As a young college student I had an amazing time. However, if I were to go back right now I would probably be appalled by the trashy students passed out on the beach.

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Now you know where to travel in March, as well as where to avoid. Have you decided which place to travel in March is right for you? Let us know where you decide to go in the comments!

We have plenty of other epic celebrations to check out throughout the world, as well as 50 awesome things to add to your bucket list.

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