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15 Quarantine Activities to Survive Other than Netflix & Chill

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Are you looking for good quarantine activities to get through this unique moment? Let us help you!

We are living in difficult times. Covid-19 has taken over and the fight has just begun. Governments all over the world are trying to contain the virus from spreading and, therefore, asking everyone to do social distancing. But the quarantine can be a good thing!

Yes, you read that right. Actually, this is a huge opportunity to catch up on stuff you have been postponing, to do that first step you were afraid to do, or to improve areas of your life where you were procrastinating.

Here are some ideas to ge through this quarantine:

Quarantine Activity #1: Stay connected!

Of course it’s easy to stay on social media all day, but now is the best time to connect with loved ones. Call your brother, Facetime your college roommate, or message a friend you haven’t seen in a few years. You can even have virtual parties now! Download House Party if you haven’t already and have a drink with your friends. (over video of course).

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Quarantine Activity #2: Build Your Mind

Stay active! start off your day with charging those brain cells! Play a game of sudoku, try completing a crossword, or download an app like Lumify, Fit Brains Trainer, or Eidetic. You can also work on your mindfulness by meditating for 10-20 minutes. This is definitely one of the best quarantine activities to do.

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Quarantine Activity #3: Creative Cooking

Quarantine is the time to have some fun in the kitchen! Here are some things you can do:

  • Look up new recipes and try them out. If something comes out well you can even print it out and make a cookbook for yourself. 
  • Have a spice rack? Make a point to use spices you’ve never used before and see how they come out.
  • Learn how to make a pizza, a cake, or sushi with your partner or family members. You can even have a contest to see who makes the most creative one.

Use what you have! Instead of running to the supermarket try to see all of the things that you can make with whatever ingredients you have. This way you don’t have to make a trip, you’ll save money, and those items that just sit in back of the fridge can be used before going bad.

Cooking Class- things to do in quarantine

Quarantine Activity #4: Get Social

Of course we are always scrolling through social media endlessly, but instead we can use the time to use our social media effectively! 

Now is the time to go through those old pictures and let them shine! Edit in Lightroom and play with Photoshop to give new life to your photos and share them with the world. 

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  • Spice up your profile by updating your info.
  • Download Apphi and organize your future posts to make your grid more appealing
  • Create captions so your future posts are ready to go with just a click
  • Go through past travels and repost stories to add highlights to your profile
  • Make folders and save pictures that interest you- traveling, fashion, gear, etc.
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While you're at it- check out our Instagram page for travel & photography tips!


  • Clean up your friends list
  • Post photo albums that never made it on your page and tag your friends for some good reminiscing.
  • Reach out to friends you haven’t connected with in a while.


This is a great place for inspiration! Pin some DIY projects, travel ideas, ideas for a party. You can spend so much time and have a lot of fun with this platform!

Create a daily checklist with little things you would like to accomplish, like a 20 minutes reading session or a 10 minutes meditation break!

Quarantine Activity #5: Burn Some Calories

We know it’s so tempting to stay in bed all day, but now is a time to take advantage of getting in shape! Here are some great ways:

  • Traditional workout videos are always effective! Give P90x, Insanity, or T25.
  • Youtube videos are easily available and there are many quick workouts. Try looking up some fun Zumba videos!
  • Live personal trainers are now available and free of charge- take advantage!
  • Try a daily challenge- sit ups, planks, burpees, you name it! These easy exercises are easy to find online and each day you can increase a little to make yourself stronger.
  • Streaming Live classes are available worldwide on this great website!
  • Challenge your friends! Try to see who can do more pushups, or who can stay in a plank longer- get creative.

After you try this, you will agree that this is definitely one of the most popular quarantine activities.

work out at home quarantine activities

You can do plenty of workouts at home without needing any equipment at all!

Quarantine Activity #6: Self Care

Being in quarantine makes it perfect spend some time to take care of yourself, really! Here’s how:

  • Put on a face mask, or exfoliate with leftover coffee grounds
  • Hydrate your hair with a leave in conditioner or some coconut oil
  • Whiten your teeth
  • Give yourself a mani and pedi
  • Take turns giving massages with your quarantine buddy
at home self care during quarantine

Click here for a fun quarantine related video!

Quarantine Activity #7: Work on Your Dance Moves

Join the Tik Tok movement, dance salsa or zumba, or make up a dance with your family members or buddies. There are a lot of free classes on YouTube if you want something to start with. Give it a shot!

road to Zabljak Montenegro

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Quarantine Activity #8: Spring Cleaning

Quarantine activities may not always be the most fun ones, but they certainly take us places. Cleaning is something we don’t tend to look forward to, but once you start you’ll feel so much better!

  • Clean out your closet and find clothes that you can donate 
  • Go through your files and try to eliminate and recycle some of that unnecessary paper.
  • Tackle those areas that really need some organization like the garage or attic.
  • Polish your jewelry
  • Go through your bathroom products and organize them.
  • Do your laundry, iron, or steam your clothes
  • Sew on that button that fell off, or stitch up anything you may have with a hole.
  • Get some brillo and make those pots and pans shiny again.

"We often miss opportunity because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work"

- Thomas A. Edison -

Quarantine Activity #9: Game on

Let's get into quarantine activities that can spark some fun competition. Whip out some old school board games and play with your family, grab a deck of cards, play each other in Mario Party, or grab your gameboy from back in day. It will be more fun than you think!

Game night valentines day date

Board games are a fun way to pass the time.

Quarantine Activity #10: Plan a Trip

Even though we can’t travel right now doesn’t mean we have to forget about it completely! Look up flights for the future, or just create an itinerary for yourselves to have when you do go and take that roadtrip across the US, backpack through Europe, or go waterfall chasing in Bali.

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Make lists of food you want to try, look up how to get around, or read up on some fun facts about different places around the world that you want to visit when the quarantine is over. If you want something to learn, check out our list of things you didn't know you needed by clicking here.

Quarantine Activity #11: Learn a New Language

Now is the time to invest in your education! The good thing is that you don’t have to take an expensive class. You can download Duolingo (a great app for learning the basics to new languages) or you can have a language exchange with a bilingual friend. Quarantine activities can be your foundation for future travel & working opportunities!

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Quarantine Activity #12: Educate Yourself

If learning a new language isn’t your thing, you can choose something that interests you and invest some time in learning through youtube videos, webinars, or just some research online- whether it be photography, investing, or working on an online business, there are endless opportunities!

If you are working on a long project, set an alarm every time you put your hand on it. That way you won't feel overwhelmed by the amount of work to do because you will be dividing into working blocks.

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Quarantine Activity #13: Treat Yourself

Yes, we know that quarantine isn’t the ideal time to spend money, but maybe you can do research on which type of camera you’d like to save up for, or check out new styles of swimwear for when the summer comes. It’s fun to shop, even if we’re not ready to buy just yet.

quarantine activities

You can find great deals on clothing now due to liquidations. I got this $500 for just $17!

Quarantine Activity #14: Download, Organize, Delete.

Whether it be a new series, music on your laptop, or your pictures onto your hard drive, now is a great time to get rid of stuff you may not watch or listen to anymore, as well as update your hard drive. Edit some of your pictures, or make playlists for different occasions.

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Quarantine Activity #15: Work on Your Professional Life

Maybe you have a great job, but it doesn’t hurt to clean up your CV right? If you’re into blogging, now may be the time to sit down and get all of your ideas out and make it happen. 

Into finance? You can research on ways to invest in order to make your money work for you. Even updating your LinkedIn is a good way to get ahead, in case you may need it in the future. We can always get creative on ways to improve our financial situation, or make ourselves prepared for anything that may come our way.

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Every time we face a challenge, we can see it as an obstacle or as an opportunity. But this doesn't have to be bad for us. This quarantine activities are here to prove it.

Actually, this is a huge opportunity to catch up on stuff you have been postponing. It can be to make that first step you were afraid to do, or to improve areas of your life where you were procrastinating.

For us, this world crisis became our chance of catching up on forgotten things like this blog! After a full year of debating ideas we wanted to implement, we finally took the first step and officially launched It is a big step but we are very excited about it!

Staying home in quarantine doesn’t need to be just Netflix and chill!

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