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A Complete Guide to Hike Reinebringen, the Most Beautiful Hike in the Lofoten Islands

  • Post last modified:September 24, 2024
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  • Post category:Europe

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Ready for some of the most breathtaking views of your life? Well, it's waiting for you right in the heart of the Lofoten Islands in Norway. All you have to do is hike Reinebringen, and you'll be rewarded with some of the most stunning views you'll ever witness, and you don't have to dedicate a ton of time or money to do so.

While most epic views require extremely challenging hikes, this is one that is doable for many skill levels. It certainly took our breathe away (both the view and the hike), but that moment we reached the top was so worth it.

If you're looking to hike Reinebringen to experience these same views, then you've come to the right place! This article is a complete guide for everything you need to know before adding this gorgeous place to you bucket list.

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📍 Where is Reinebringen?

Reinebringen is the mountain that sits right over the town of Reine, all the way in the south of the Lofoten Islands. We decided to start at the end of the archipelago, making this our first hike during our travels in the area.

Wondering exactly where are the Lofoten Islands? Well, they are some of the most northern inhabited islands in the world, all the way in the north of Norway, which is part of the Arctic Circle.

where is the Reinebringen hike?

Reinebringen is located next to the town of Reine in the Lofoten Islands.

How to Get to Reinebringen

Now that you know where Reinebringen is located, let's take you there.

First, you'll need to make your way to the town of Reine.

🚗 How Do I Get to Reine, Norway?

When we visited the Lofoten Islands in Norway, we decided to rent a car, and found it to hands down be the best way to explore the area. You can easily rent a car from one of the local airports (Svolvaer is the closest, or you can come from Tromso like we did). If you happen to be visiting in the summertime, then we highly suggest booking in advance.

Another epic (and very popular) option is to also rent a camper van. These can be rented straight through the company's websites, and should also be done well in advance.

If you don't want to drive, you can alternatively rely on the public bus system, which does have plenty of stops along the main highway E10, as well as many of the villages, including Reine.

The hike starts right next to Reine.

To get to Reimebringen you must start at the town of Reine.

🥾 Where to Start the Reinebringen Hike

When we first were looking for the hike, Google brought us to where the actual start of the hike is, and where the GPS appears to be bringing you to a tunnel. You will actually need to drive north of this tunnel, and you will find a parking lot on your right hand side, overlooking the city of Reine. The parking lot comes up in the map as "Reine kortidsparkeringplass" or you can look up "Reine View".

We went very late at night, and found the parking lot to be empty, but by the time we woke up in the morning, that same lot was completely full. If that's the case then you may have to park inside the town of Reine, and walk from there.

Once you park you will have a little over a 5 minute walk, which is along the left side outside of the tunnel. Keep walking and you will then find the entrance of the hike. You'll see signs along the way and at the start, so you seriously can't miss it.

Reinbringen Hike start
Reinebringen hike tunnel

The hike is found on the outside of the tunnel.

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Hike Reinebringen: The Journey

Now you made it to the trailhead! Are you ready? Unlike the rest of the hikes in the Lofoten Islands, this hike is quite unique, because it's made of just stairs. Here is everything you need to expect while you hike Reinebringen.

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Reinebringen hike pin
Reinebringen hike pin
Reinebringen hike pin

🔝 How High is the Reinebringen Hike?

Reinebringen is 448 meters high, and has around 1,600 steps. The steps are made of stone, and some can be quite high, making this a bit of a steep hike.

If you hate stairs, then this hike will not be your best friend. However, the good thing about this hike is that unlike others, it is very easy to walk, and you don't need to worry about climbing, or potentially slipping in the mud like many of the other trails in the area.

how many steps are in the Reinebringen hike

The Reinebringen hike is 1,600 steps high.

🥾 What to Expect During the Reinebringen Hike

When you first start the hike, you'll be going straight up. You'll then reach a waterfall within the first 10 minutes. We suggest filling up your water bottle here if you haven't already, as you'll definitely need it.

waterfall at the Reinebringen hike
waterfall at the Reinebringen hike
waterfall at the Reinebringen hike

The trail continues by zigzagging up the mountain, and then continuing right around it. Keep your eyes peeled, because many of the stairs actually have number written for the step number you've reached! We didn't realize until the end, but really liked this, as it made us more motivated to keep going.

stairs on the Reinebringen hike
stairs on the Reinebringen hike
stairs on the Reinebringen hike

The stairs zig zag along the mountain.

You'll also have a few benches along the way, so don't worry if you need to rest. Just make sure not to stop too much on the stairs, as there isn't a ton of room. We were able to due to the time of night we were hiking, but typically the trail can get quite busy.

benches at the Reinebringen hike
benches at the Reinebringen hike

There are a couple of set of stone benches to take breaks.

🏁 Reaching the View of the Reinebringen Hike

Your calves, glutes, and hamstrings will definitely be on fire, but we promise, it will be worth it! Keep going and you will find once the stairs stop, you'll catch your first view of the entire place.

This is technically where the hike finishes. However, you can continue to walk left along the ridge, and find some great picture spots. Just be careful in this area, as it can be quite muddy, and a little harder to navigate.

Also, when it looks like the mountain dips, and you shouldn't go further, take that as a sign and don't continue. The area is dangerous, and you shouldn't walk along areas that you don't see a ton of footprints.

the Reinebringen hike top

After the steps you can go a bit further along the grass for some great views and photo opportunities.

Now you can enjoy the views and capture some stunning pictures! Be advised that it does get super windy at the top, so you'll want to have your layers ready to put back on that you probably stripped off while hiking up.

Reinebringen Hike
Reinebringen Hike
Reinebringen Hike

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Reinebringen Hike Amenities

Reinebringen does not have any amenities at the top. For bathrooms you'll have to make sure you go before, in the town of Reine.

For water, you can easily fill up in the beginning of the trail. The water is super fresh in Norway, so we never bought any water bottles during our trip, and just used our reusable water bottle.

Along the way you'll find some areas with benches, so it's great to take advantage if you are feeling a bit winded during the walk. The stairs aren't so wide, so you shouldn't stop on them unless there is no one else around.

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Price & Timetable to Hike Reinebringen

Now that you know what to expect for the Reinebringen hike in the Lofoten Islands, let's go over some of the logistics.

💵 How Much Does it Cost to Hike Reinebringen?

The hike of Reinebringen is completely free of charge! While Norway can be an extremely expensive country, the good thing is that you can enjoy a ton of nature without having to pay a penny. We also read people paying for parking, but we stayed in the parking lot free of charge. (Not sure if this was because we were just there late at night).

🕘 When Can You Hike Reinebringen?

The trail is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you happen to be visiting in summer, you can take advantage of the Midnight Sun, as there is 24 hours of light! We opted for this time to escape the crowds, and had stunning lighting at 3 am.


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Safety Hiking Reinebringen

Norway is one of the safest countries in the world! So you won't have to worry about your car, or hiking alone.

People are extremely friendly, and we felt extremely safe at all times during the hike, and everywhere else that we went throughout the Lofoten Islands.

Again, at the top do be careful of where you walk, as you are quite literally on the top of cliffs. Don't get too close to the edge, or wander past the trail area. The winds can be strong, so make sure to keep this in mind as well.

Reinebringen Hike

There are plenty of great photo spots, but make sure you are not all the way on the edge.

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Other Things to Know to Hike Reinebringen

Now you know almost everything you need to know to hike Reinebringen! But before you go, we're going to answer a few questions you may have.

🥵 Is Reinebringen Hike Difficult?

The hike of Reinebringen is steep, and is definitely tiring. However, we do feel that all types can complete this hike, as it has been safely made for people to enjoy, unlike many of the other hikes in the area. If you are not in great shape, don't worry, because there are plenty of areas to rest and catch your breathe along the way.

is the Reinebringen Hike difficult?

The Reinebringen hike can be difficult for those that don't like stairs, but anyone can do it.

⏳ How Long Does it Take to Hike Reinebringen?

It took us about 45 minutes to hike Reinebringen to the top, and about a half hour to come down. We walk at a pretty fast pace, so it may take you closer to an hour if you stop a lot, or go at a slower pace. If you are in really good shape, this hie may take you a tiny bit less as well,


☀️ Weather Conditions at Reinebringen

The Lofoten Islands are located in one of the most northern points of the world, so have significantly colder temperatures than even other areas of Norway. We visited in June, and temperatures were in the 50's during the day, and dropping under the 40's at night (which is when we did the hike).

The weather can be quite unpredictable in the Lofoten Islands. Regardless of the forecast, it seemed to go from sunny to cloudy to rainy and back again over and over. It is also significantly windier at the top than it is during the hike, so you'll want to have layers regardless of how nice it may look out.

weather at Reinebringen

The weather can change a lot, so be prepared for all types of weather!

🕘 The Best Time to Hike Reinebringen

The best time of day to hike Reinebringen depends on what time of year you are visiting the Lofoten Islands. 

If you are visiting in June, July, or August, we suggest going very late at night, or early in the morning. We did the hike at 3 am and the lighting was perfect! Although a bit colder, we were able to enjoy the place to ourselves which was super nice.

If you happen to visit during the shoulder season, we think the best time would be an hour or two before sunset, or during sunrise to escape the crowds.

🌅 Is it Better to Hike Reinbringen in the Morning or the Afternoon?

We personally love sunrise because you can see the sun rising behind the mountains, and there are also less people in the morning that in the afternoon. However, if you get up there too late after the sun rises, then the sun will be right in your eyes, and the view will also be hard to photograph.

If you are an early riser and in good shape, we'd opt for the morning. However, if you don't want to rush, and go at a more relaxed pace, then the afternoon may be a better choice for you.

the best time for the Reinebringen hike
the best time for the Reinebringen hike
the best time for the Reinebringen hike

For the best lighting and least crowds it's good to hike in the middle of the night.

🥶 Can You Hike Reinebringen in Winter?

The Lofoten Islands experience a ton of snow in the winter, and this snow usually turns to ice, making it very dangerous to hike or climb steps! The trail may be open, but we definitely don't advise to hike Reinebringen in the winter months.

🎒 How to Prepare to Hike Reinebringen

Here are a few things that you should bring with you on your hike:

  • Sneakers or hiking boots (We were fine in regular sneakers.)
  • Warm clothes (you'll want them at the top!)
  • Sunglasses (The weather changes quickly)
  • A hat (preferably a beanie to keep you warm and not fly away)
  • Reusable Water Bottle (we use this Cafago water bottle  because it holds the temperature)
  • Steripen (We used this just in case to disinfect the water from the waterfall.)
  • Drone: You can get epic shots! Just beware of the wind (We use the Mavic Mini 4 Pro and it held up quite well)
  • Camera (we use the Sony A7Riii)
  • Standard Lens (we use the Sony GM 24-70)
  • Wide Lens - This will allow you to capture the full landscape in one shot (we use the Sony GM 14 F1.8)
  • Telephoto Lens to capture a close-ups of the surrounding mountains (we use the Sony GM 70-200)
  • Tripod to get pictures while no one is around or for multiple shots from far away (We use the Rangepod Tripod)
  • Action Camera: These usually have wide lenses, and are easier to carry. (We recommend the Insta 360 X3 because you can also use an invisible selfie stick that makes it look like you are using a drone).

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Tips for Hiking Reinebringen

  • Go early to ensure you get parking.
  • Bring a wide lens to capture the whole scenery.
  • Layer up as it gets windy at the top.
  • Don't get too close to the edge or wander off.
  • Leave No Trace (there are no trash bins on site).
  • Refill your water bottle at the waterfall.
  • Be careful if you fly your drone.
  • Take lots of pictures and enjoy!
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About the author - Danni

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