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Is Norway Worth Visiting? A Complete Breakdown of Pros & Cons

  • Post last modified:September 18, 2024
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  • Post category:Europe

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Is Norway worth visiting? Some people LOVE Norway, while others simply have no interest. 

We're here to have full transparency about both the pros and cons of visiting Norway. That way, you can decide for yourself if you think Norway is worth visiting.

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Is Norway Worth Visiting? Pros for Visiting Norway

There are so many things that make Norway worth visiting! Here are some of the great reasons to add Norway to your bucket list.

🏔 Reasons Norway is Worth Visiting #1: Norway Has Stunning Landscapes

There are few countries that can rival Norway's landscapes. They are home to some of the most stunning views and hikes in the world, and have a variety of gorgeous beaches, breathtaking mountains, and amazing archipelagos.

If you're a nature lover, then Norway may just become one of your favorite countries you'll ever encounter.

landscapes in Norway, is Norway worth visiting?
landscapes in Norway, is Norway worth visiting?
landscapes in Norway, is Norway worth visiting?
landscapes in Norway, is Norway worth visiting?

👮🏻‍♀️ Reasons Norway is Worth Visiting #2: The Country is Super Safe

I had such a fun time watching Fede go into his default safety mode of being paranoid and watching over our belongings like someone was going to run up and grab them right before our eyes.

While we do have to worry about safety in many places that we travel, Norway was one of the few places we could truly relax.

Norway is one of the safest countries in the world, and there is hardly any crime at all. This is a great piece of mind to have while traveling to a new country, and one of the reasons we truly think Norway is worth visiting.

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🧼 Reasons Norway is Worth Visiting #3: It's Also a Clean Country 

While there are a ton of beautiful countries in Europe, there's no denying that some can be pretty dirty, especially within the bigger cities.

Well, Norway is super clean! People truly respect both nature and the streets of cities, meaning you'll have another level of enjoyment while traveling around the country.

My mom is a total neat freak, and it was one of her biggest take backs for when she visited Norway.

landscapes in Norway, is Norway worth visiting?

Beaches and other places in the outdoors are immaculate in Norway.

💓 Reasons Norway is Worth Visiting #4: Norwegian People are Kind

There are many countries in Europe known for being warm and friendly. And while Scandinavia typically doesn't fall into this category, they are super polite and helpful.

We loved how kind the people were all the time, which really left us with such a welcoming feeling while we were there.

From giving away free chocolates at the airport, to people stopping on the road to see if we were okay when pulled over, we always felt like the Norwegian people were generous, and ready to help and protect in times of need.

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Is Norway worth visiting? travel guide
Is Norway worth visiting? travel guide
Is Norway worth visiting? travel guide

🦞 Reasons Norway is Worth Visiting #5: Norway Has Excellent Seafood

If you love salmon, then prepare to have it be ruined, because no one has better salmon than Norway does.

Actually, this is the one country we know that keeps the top quality products inside the country, and only exports the "lower grade" products.

The seafood in Norway is exceptional, super fresh, and the tasiest you can possibly try. They don't use a ton of preservatives like the US, therefore the quality is always top-notch.

seafood in Norway

Norway has super fresh seafood.

🚗 Reasons Norway is Worth Visiting #6: It's an Easy Country to Travel Around

We've had our fair share of travel experiences, and there are so many countries that are difficult to get around. Either there is a lack of options, or the quality of the services are poor.

Well, Norway is super easy to get around. The streets are all paved, roads are well-structured, and you can easily rent a car or take public transportation and be equally as comfortable.

landscapes in Norway, is Norway worth visiting?
landscapes in Norway, is Norway worth visiting?
landscapes in Norway, is Norway worth visiting?
landscapes in Norway, is Norway worth visiting?

The infrastructure in norway is excellent.

If you want to learn more about driving in Norway, don't miss out on our most recent article!

🪂 Reasons Norway is Worth Visiting #7: Norway is Amazing for Adventure-Lovers

Wondering if Norway is worth visiting for its activities? Well, with incredible landscapes comes a ton of fun and adventurous activities. 

Enjoy exciting viewpoints, Go zipling across waterfalls, experience a husky sledding adventure, or try white water rafting. Want something a bit more relaxed in nature? There are also plenty of kayaking adventures, cycling tours, and other fun ways to explore this beautiful country.

Epic Activities in Norway for Your Bucket List

🚁 Norway Helicopter Tour

🛶 Lofoten Midnight Sun Kayak Tour

🌊 Sjoa White Water Rafting Day Trip

🐕 Tromso Husky Sledding

🪝 Geiranger Zip Line Experience

adventure in Norway

🏕 Reasons Norway is Worth Visiting #8: There are Really Unique Accommodation Options

Norwegians are so innovative and creative! We honestly were blown away by the accommodation options in Norway, and if we had the money or time, we would have checked off over a dozen unique accommodation options.

From quirky treehouses to mirror cabins in the woods, Norway is the ultimate glamping destination, and one where the place you stay can truly make a difference in your travels.

cool places to stay in Norway
cool places to stay in Norway
cool places to stay in Norway

🚽 Reasons Norway is Worth Visiting #9: Norway Has the Coolest Rest Stops

This may sound like an odd one, but you want to know one of our most random reasons that we think Norway worth visiting? Well, they have some of the coolest places to go to the bathroom!

Yea, that may sound a bit weird, but hear us out.

Imagine you're roadtripping around Norway and need to use the bathroom. Then imagine coming across a golden toilet, a bathroom with epic views, or a super high-tech toilet? Whatever you could imagine, Norway has thought of it, making road trip rest stops that much more epic.

golden toilet in Norway

💳 Reasons Norway is Worth Visiting #10: Credit Cards are Accepted Everywhere

Not having to carry around a ton of cash is truly a gamechanger while traveling.

In Norway you don't have to worry about having a lot of bills on you, because you can pay for almost anything with a credit card. Even small vendors typically offer the option of paying with credit card!

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💵 Reasons Norway is Worth Visiting #11: There is Little Poverty

When traveling to poorer destinations, it can be really sad to see that there are people struggling while you're enjoying.

Luckily, Norwegians are typically paid pretty well, and people overall have a nice standard of life. Seeing healthy and happy people certainly makes traveling a lot more of a positive experience!

You'll mostly find small towns with stable economies and very pleasant people in small communities around Norway.

towns in Norway

Norway mostly has small towns and little poverty.

🩺 Reasons Norway is Worth Visiting #12: There is Great Healthcare in Norway

If for any reason you have something happen to you while in Norway, you can have a little bit of a piece of mind, because Norway has great health care.

🚁 Fun fact: helicopter rescues are free in Norway! So God forbid something happens during one of those long hikes, you'll be able to get rescued without an absurd bill following it.

safety in Norway, is Norway worth visiting?

If anything happens on a hike, you'll be able to be rescued in Norway.

🍃 Reasons Norway is Worth Visiting #13: Norway is a Super Sustainable Destination

Traveling can leave a negative carbon footprint on our planet, so it's important that we choose destinations that are eco-friendly and are educated about saving the environment.

From eco-friendly accommodation options to recycled products in markets, it's pretty easy to make your travels a bit more sustainable while in Norway. 

😉 Psst! Did you know that on you could filter properties that have certifications for sustainability?

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☀️ Reasons Norway is Worth Visiting #14: You Can Experience the Midnight Sun

The midnight sun is truly one of the most fantastic things we have experienced. If you asked us "is Norway worth vsiiting in the summer?", we'd say a million times yes. 

There are parts of Norway that don't get a single minute of darkness, and if you are willing to swap your sleep schedule, you can experience several hours of the sun setting, with a fantasic array of colors in the sky all night long.

As photographers, Norway is a true dream in the summer, and one of the reasons we loved this country so much.

midnight sun in Norway, is Norway worth visiting?
midnight sun in Norway, is Norway worth visiting?
midnight sun in Norway, is Norway worth visiting?
midnight sun in Norway, is Norway worth visiting?

The sun sets for hours on end in Norway.

🌌 Reasons Norway is Worth Visiting #15: You Can See the Northern Lights

The northern lights are a true bucket list item for so many people! Norway has a ton of great places to experience them in the winter, and in places like the Lofoten Islands, you may even have the chance to see them up to 8 months out of the year!

👩🏻‍💻 Reasons Norway is Worth Visiting #16: It's Great for Digital Nomads

Is Norway worth visiting for those working while traveling? Well, we put this to the test last summer, and were pleasantly surprised.

There are so many incredible coffee shops, and no one ever made us feel unwelcomed or an inconvenience for spending some hours on our laptops (unlike we felt in France).

With cute a cozy cafes and delicious baked goods, Norway is an ideal destination for digital nomads wanting to work while traveling.

working as a digital nomad in Norway

We had very pleasant experiences working in cafes throughout Norway.

Is Norway Worth Visiting? Cons for Visiting Norway

While we absolutely love this country, we also understand it may not be worth visiting Norway for everyone! Here are a few things to put into consideration before booking your trip.

💸 Cons for Visiting Norway #1: It's an Expensive Destination

If you're a budget traveler, then Norway may be a stressful destination for you to visit. 

While we do have quite a few ways for you to visit expensive destinations on a budget, you'll definitely be able to enjoy the country more if you have a bit saved for it.

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⛈ Cons for Visiting Norway #2: The Weather is Unpredictable

If it weren't for the weather in Norway, we could probably move there!

However, there is no denying that the weather gods are not in Norway's favor, and even in the summer months you may experience chilly, grey, or rainy days. Head to the northern parts of the country, and you may even experience snow there!

Being that a lot of the best things to do in Norway are in the outdoors, bad weather can certainly ruin a trip, so you'll want to be flexible and hope for the best.

wetaher in Norway - is Norway worth visiting?

Even in the summer you can experience snow in Norway.

Winters are long and dark, and even some cities in the summer can be pretty cold. While we were super lucky to have warm and sunny days, we do know a lot of people who didn't get to experience the same.

road to Zabljak Montenegro

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So, Is Norway Worth Visiting?

In our opinion, Norway is worth visiting if you are an adventure and nature lover. There are so many amazing hikes in Norway, and you can experience a variety of landscapes. Not to mention - you can also experience the midnight sun and the northern lights, which are both bucket list items!

Even if you're not an adventure junky, if you love cute towns, fresh seafood, and pristine streets, then you'll fall in Norway just as much as we did.

If you are a beach bum and like relaxing with tropical weather, then Norway may not be for you. If you're on a tight budget and don't want to stress about the money you may spend, then you also may want to reconsider if Norway is worth visiting for you.

Is Norway worth visiting?
Is Norway worth visiting?
Is Norway worth visiting?
Is Norway worth visiting?

Norway is worth visiting for the nature and adventure lovers.

So what do you think? Is Norway worth visiting? For us, it's one of our favorite countries, and is certainly worth a trip!

Want to check out some of the incredible places around Norway? Make sure to check out our other Norway travel guides. You can also subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date about our other articles coming up each week.

Need help planning your trip to Norway? Don't worry- we've got you covered! Scratch Your Mapa provides custom-made itineraries, and guarantees to assist you in saving both time and money for flights, hotels, and car rentals. Take a look at some of our travel planning packages, or send us an email for any questions you may have for your upcoming travels.


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