You are currently viewing 36 of the Best Photo Spots in Paris for 2024

36 of the Best Photo Spots in Paris for 2024

  • Post last modified:September 23, 2024
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  • Post category:Europe

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There is a lot of work that goes into taking incredible pictures and finding the perfect photo spots in Paris!

The city is so beautiful, so it can be overwhelming. But after a lot of research, and trial & error, we've found some of the most incredible photo spots in Paris. Not only are we here to share the most iconic, but the hidden gems as well.

We're also here to help you prepare to take the best pictures at the Eiffel Tower without crowds, how to dress, and what time equipment to use in order to go home with the best memories of the city of love.

Table of Contents

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How Do You Take Good Pictures in Paris?

Paris can certainly be an overwhelming place to try and take good pictures.

It is extremely crowded, and there are certainly some blockers when it comes to photography, such as prohibiting drones, or not being able to bring tripods into certain places.

We have three main keys for being able to take good photos in Paris, which are:

🌅 Start Early

Not many people have the willpower to wake up at the crack of dawn, but you'd be surprised at just how early the best photo spots in Paris start getting crowded.

Shooting in the middle of the day will bring tons of crowds, as well as harsh lighting (we will show you some examples below).

Start early and get to the most popular photo spots in Paris right before the sun rises, and continue to shoot into the early morning. Keep the indoor locations for the middle of the day, and aim to hit them right after they open or right before they are closing to get the least amount of people possible.

sunrise at the Trocadero

Starting early gives you the best lighting and helps beat the crowds.

📸 Have the Right Equipment

Some may argue that phones are so good nowadays that there's no need for a professional camera.

We have to disagree with this, and have found that having a variety of lenses has helped us greatly while shooting in the different photo spots in Paris.

Here are some of the things that we use and suggest bringing with you for your Paris photo shoot:

  • Mirrorless Camera: Sony Alpha 7riii
  • Primary Lens: Sony FE 24-70 F2.8 GM
  • Wide Lens: We use the Sony FE 14mm F1.8 GM lens
  • Action Camera: We use the Insta 360 X3 with the extra long selife stick to take drone-like shots (no drones are allowed in Paris)
  • Tripod: This not only allows you to take pictures of yourself, but you can keep the camera taking pictures and keep the shots when there are less people in the frame, or merge photos to get rid of people. We use the JOBY Rangepod Tripod

Paris is serious about their drone laws! Even if a picture is found on the internet that you've taken with a drone you can get fined 10's of thousands of euros.

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💃🏻 Dress to Impress

You can know all of the best photo spots in Paris, but if you don't dress the part, your pictures will lose all of their charm.

I always stick to dresses, and try to match the area that I am shooting in.

Below you'll see the major difference an outfit can make while taking photos in Paris.

how to take good pictures at the Eiffel Tower
how to take good pictures at the Eiffel Tower

Want to rent a dress for Paris? We have an array of colors of flying dresses for rent, as well as one with the French flag!

📐 Use Unique Angles

Even at early hours in the morning most of the popular photo spots in Paris will not be empty. So here's where it's time to get creative.

If you happen to see people in your ideal spot, try to move a little to the side, use something as foreground, or aim low to cut people out.

I also use my flying dresses, as they take up a lot of room and cover some of the people in the background.

flygin dress in Paris, France

📹 Hire a Professional

When we travel we typically take our own pictures, but when it comes to taking pictures at the most popular photo spots in Paris (or any other big city for that matter), it can be a lot trickier.

Local photographers always know the most unique perspectives, and are experts at being able to capture the most incredible photos in their home city.

We take professional photo shoots in New York, and can promise from experience that there is a massive difference between taking your own photos in hot spots, and having some help from a local professional.

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Where are the Best Photo Spots in Paris?

There are so many great photo spots in Paris! From iconic hot spots to hidden gems, we're going to cover all of the best photo spots in Paris, starting with the most iconic - the Eiffel Tower.

🗼 Where to Take Eiffel Tower Pictures

There are an endless amount of photo opportunities for Paris's Eiffel Towel, but we're going to share some of our favorite ones.


Trocadero is the most iconic spot for photos in Paris, and is also one of the most popular places for a Paris photo shoot.

There are a variety of angles you can enjoy at Trocadero, and we're going to share a few of our favorites.

1️⃣ On the Main Platform, in the Middle

This is definitely the hardest place to get a picture, as it tends to get the most crowded! We went at 5 AM, and you can see that there were already a ton of people in the background in our picture below.

Trocadero, best photo spots in Paris, France

We'd really only recommend coming here when it's dark out, as from sunrise til late at night you'll find people here. Alternatively, you can use a flying dress (or long flowey dress) to try and cover the people in the back, or aim low to eliminate them.

2️⃣ At the Front of the Main Balcony

If you want to get rid of the crowds, going to the very front of the main balcony facing the Eiffel Tower will give you a much better chance of doing so!

Trocadero, Eiffel Tower photo spots in Paris
Trocadero, Eiffel Tower photo spots in Paris

3️⃣ On the Right Corner of the Main Balcony

We saw a picture of someone standing here, and we were obsessed! The problem is, that now on the railings there are triangular pieces put on top (as people were getting drunk and falling). 

We braved it anyway (although we only recommend doing this when little people are around, and if your confident of your balance). Alternatively, you could lean over rather than actually climbing on top and risking hurting yourself.

Trocadero, Eiffel Tower photo spots in Paris

4️⃣ On the Right Set of Stairs

On the right side you'll find a staircase going down (alternatively you could do this on either side, but we like the right side).

Trocadero, Eiffel Tower photo spots in Paris
Trocadero, Eiffel Tower photo spots in Paris
Trocadero, Eiffel Tower photo spots in Paris

These shots are taken in the same place but with different focal lengths.

5️⃣ Along the Railing

Right down the stairs you'll find the next set of stairs going down, and we loved sitting on the railing for a photo. Actually, I lied. We despised taking a picture here, as it was super uncomfortable! But we have to admit, we're pretty happy with the result.

Trocadero, Eiffel Tower photo spots in Paris

6️⃣ Gardens of Trocadero

Down the stairs you'll find the gardens of Trocadero. There are a few fun places to shoot here, but unfortunately the area was under construction when we went.

We have seen a lot of people sitting on the benches on the right side, so whenever we get a shot there, we'll add it to this article.

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7️⃣ Champs de Mars

Now let's head to the other side of the Eiffel Tower! There is a large grassy area where people love to hang out, picnic, play sports, and enjoy the incresdible backdrop of the Eiffel Tower.

We actually sat in the grass and worked on our laptops here for a while, and when we finished we quickly took this photo, right in front of the road separating the two grassy areas.

Champs de Mars, Eiffel Tower photo spots in Paris

8️⃣ Rue de l'Universite

One of the best pictures of the Eiffel Tower close up without a ton of crowds is on Rue de l'Universite. Even in the late morning we had just a few people walking by, and we loved the framing of the trees and beautiful buildings.

France flying dress, best pictures of the Eiffel Tower

9️⃣ Rue de Montessuey

Just one street over from Rue de l'Universite is another street with incredible views of the Eiffel Tower, and we found it had even less people than Rue de l'Universite!

where to take pictures at the Eiffel Tower, best photo spots in Paris
where to take pictures at the Eiffel Tower, best photo spots in Paris

🔟 Pont d'lena

This bridge is the one that leads straight across the Seine facing the Eiffel Tower. There were too many people when we visited to take a picture, but if you go early in the morning you can get it for yourself!

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1️⃣1️⃣ Pont de l'Alma

The next bridge over from the one leading right to the Eiffel Tower is another great photo spot, as you can still get a great view of the Iron Lady from across the water.

Pont de l'Alma, where to get the best pictures of the Eiffel Tower
Pont de l'Alma, where to get the best pictures of the Eiffel Tower

1️⃣2️⃣ Port Debilly (under Pont d'lena to the right)

If you're looking for where to get pictures of the Eiffel Tower from the water, then head to Port Debilly, one of our favorite spots!

Once you walk down the stairs you can walk to the left along the water, or to the right. Both are beautiful views, and offer slightly different perspectives.

Port Debilly. where to get pictures of the Eiffel Tower

1️⃣3️⃣ Port Debilly (under Pont d'lena to the left)

Head to the left side of Port Debilly and you'll actually find an area that cars can park. We saw a bunch of locals playing music and having drinks here, and we found it to be a bit of a hidden gem compared to the more popular photos spots in Paris of the Eiffel Tower..

Port Debilly. where to get pictures of the Eiffel Tower
Port Debilly. where to get pictures of the Eiffel Tower

1️⃣4️⃣ Av. de New York

If you're looking for where to take pictures of the Eiffel Tower without worrying about the crowds, then Av. de New York is a great one!

The street is actually highly trafficked, but simply by people walking by, rather than crowding or hanging out in the area.

There are trees lining the road, allowing you to use them to frame your shots along the river of the Eiffel Tower.

Av de New York, where to get pictures of the Eiffel Tower
where to get pictures of the Eiffel Tower

This small street tucked away from the crowds offers stunning views of the Eiffel Tower, and has a balcony you can sit, stand, or lay on for a fun perspective.

Av Camoens, photo spots of nthe Eiffel tower in Paris, France

1️⃣6️⃣ Metro Ride from Bir Hakeim to Passy Station (or vice-versa)

There's actually a metro line that you can ride and have incredible views of the Eiffel Tower! The line is short, and it goes from the stations of Bir Hakeim to Passy Station.

metro view in Paris of the Eiffel Tower

👗 What to Wear for an Eiffel Tower Photoshoot

When it comes to doing an Eiffel Tower photoshoot, we love dressing to impress.

Pretty dresses for women and nice button ups for men are our go-to's. When it comes to color, we like either using a muted cold, or a bold color.

For example, you can see the difference between using black as a neutral color, or red, a color that pops.

Eiffel Tower photo spots in Paris
Eiffel Tower photo spots in Paris

📍 Other Great Photo Spots in Paris, France

You may have just been looking for where to take pictures of the Eiffel Tower, but there are so many other incredible photo spots in Paris to enjoy!

🏛 The Louvre

The Louvre is one of the most iconic and beautiful museums in the world, and it’s also really fun to take photos outside it.

People start to line up about an hour before, so if you want good pictures here you’ll definitely have to start early.

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the best photo spots in Paris
the best photo spots in Paris
the best photo spots in Paris

1️⃣7️⃣ At the Main Pyramid

Right in the middle of the Louvre complex is a stunning set of glass pyramid looking structures. It's what makes the museum not only iconic on the inside, but alo on the outside.

There are a number of angles you can use here, as you can see from some of the photos we took below.

Louvre, best photo spots in Paris, France
Louvre, best photo spots in Paris, France
Louvre, best photo spots in Paris
Louvre, best photo spots in Paris, France

We used a variety of focal lengths for the Louvre.

1️⃣8️⃣ Through the Archway

Head to the buildings on the sides of the courtyard and you'll be able to appreciate rows of arches! This is a fun area to photography, and often gets overlooked.

Louvre archway, photo spots in Paris

1️⃣9️⃣ From the Archway

The best pat of the archway is not just the row of archways itself, but a unique angle of photographing the middle glass pyramid of the Louvre.

The Louvre, best photo spots in Paris, France
The Louvre, best photo spots in Paris, France

2️⃣0️⃣ Arc de Triumph

This iconic arch is situated in the middle of a roundabout, and one of the most challenging photo spots in Paris to nail. Be prepared to have to fight the traffic, and have a bit of patience.

The earlier you get there, the better, since there are less cars early in the morning.

We decided to shoot here by aiming for the middle area between the two different sides of the street, and then taking out shots when the traffic had a red light.Another option is to take advantage of the light post on the side, for a bit of a safer angle.

Arc de Triomphe, best photo spots in Paris
Arc de Triomphe, best photo spots in Paris

2️⃣1️⃣ In Front of the Notre Dame

The Notre Dame is another one of the most iconic photo spots in Paris. 

When we visited in August 2023 there was still construction, but by now it’s probably all ready for action.

in front of the Notre Dame, best photo spots in Paris

2️⃣2️⃣ On the Bridge near the Notre Dame

If you can’t grab a good picture in front of the beautiful church (because of crowds or construction), you can also take advantage of having it as your backdrop from the bridge crossing the river parallel to the Notre Dame.

Notre Dame, best photo spots in Paris, France

2️⃣3️⃣ The Stairs of Sacre Coeur

This is one of the most beautiful churches, and one of our favorite photo spots in Paris.

Located in the neighborhood of Montmarte, Sacre Coeur is located high on a hill, and one of the best ways to capture the beauty of the structure is from the long staircase leading up to it.

We’ll admit, we had to do a bit of photoshop on this one, as there were some drunk people from the night before hanging around, and lots of trash left as well.

stairs in front of the Sacre Coeur, best photo spots in Paris, France

2️⃣4️⃣ The Carousel of Sacre Croeuer

Our personal favorite view of the Sacre Croeuer is actually from down below. The carousel in front of it makes for a cute addition.

carousel in front of the Sacre Coeur, best photo spots in Paris, France
carousel in front of the Sacre Coeur, best photo spots in Paris, France

2️⃣5️⃣ Petit Palais

This is one of the few places you can enjoy for free in Paris on the inside.

We absolutely love the golden door in front of the Palace, and it’s one of the most underrated photo spots in Paris.

That being said, if you want a great photo here you should come before they open.

Petit Palais, best photo spots in Paris, France

You can snap a picture with your phone quickly anytime of the day, but the security freak out if you are dressed up, have a nice camera, or in any way make it look like you’re “taking a photoshoot”.

The inside is also gorgeous, and one you won’t want to miss out on! So we’d suggest grabbing your picture in front before they open, then walking around the area until they do open so you can go in and enjoy the inside.

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2️⃣6️⃣ Domaine National du Palais-Royal

This former French Palace is one of the most popular photo spots in Paris, for its interesting and cute courtyard.

Unfortunately we visited in the middle of the day, so the lighting and crowds were not in our favor, but there are definitely some fun opportunities for photos you can take in this area.

Palacio Duhau, photo spots in Paris, France

2️⃣7️⃣ Grand Mosquee de Paris

While Paris is predominately catholic, it does have a large influx of a variety of cultures living there.

The Grand Mosque of Paris is a true hidden gem in the city, and features beautiful green gardens, open patios with fountains, and beautiful details in the tiles.

If you happen to visit in the springtime (April into May), you'll be lucky enough to experience the place covered in beautiful purple wisteria!

Grand mosque in Paris, France

2️⃣8️⃣ Bibliotheque Nationale de France (The National Library of France)

Looking for one of the most beautiful libraries in the world? The national Library of France is beautiful inside and out. Tourists can pop into a small area to admire the architecture, and also enjoy the gardens on the outside.

The library can be visited by tourists Tuesday- Saturday from 9 am to 8 pm, Sundays from 1 pm to 7 pm, and on Mondays from 2 pm to 8 pm.

Library in Paris

2️⃣9️⃣ Galerie Vivienne

Just around the block from the library we found this hidden gem.

Galerie Vivienne is a small shopping center tucked away from the crowds. It sits under perfect arches with large windows, and along beautifully decorated tile floors. 

Galerie Vivienne, best photo spots in Paris, France

3️⃣0️⃣ L’Maison Rose

Head over to Montmarte for one of our favorite neighborhoods!

L'Maison Rose is a cute restaurant painted in pink and green, and then covered with vines giving it this quirky but dreamy look.

La Maison Rose, photo spots in Paris, France

3️⃣1️⃣ Wall of Love

Also located in Montmarte is the Wall of Love, which has "I Love You" written is 250 languages!

Wall of Love, best photo spots in Paris, France

3️⃣2️⃣ Palais Garnier (The Opera House)

Paris is home ot one of the most stunning opera houses in the world, and although it was one of the pricier places to enter, it's simply breathtaking to walk around, and one of our favorite photo spots in Paris!

The Opera house is open daily from 10 am to 5 pm, and we suggest going close to opening or closing hours, as it can get quite crowded.

opera in Paris, France
opera in Paris, France
opera in Paris
opera in Paris
opera in PAris
opera in Paris
opera in Paris, France

3️⃣3️⃣ Gustave Moreau Museum

Paris is full of incredible museums, but one of our favorites for photos is the Gustave Moreau Museum, a 19th century building with the artwork of Gustave Moreau, and features this incredible stairwell.

museum in Paris

🍴 Instagrammable Restaurants in Paris

We could easily make an entire article of Instagrammable restaurants in Paris! The city is full of gorgeous cafes, and of course we had to choose our favorites, so here are a few of the top photo spots in Paris for having your cake and eating it too.

3️⃣4️⃣ Pink Mamma

Pink Mamma is hands down the most famous restaurant in Paris when it comes to Instagram.

The restaurant has 4 different floors, and each of them is more beautiful then the next! Not only that, but the Italian food is seriously incredible, making this a must visit.

You'll need a reservation in advance for Pink Mamma, and you can expect long lines up to an hour before getting in. Want to be seated on the top floor? You'll have to make reservations a few months in advance!

Pink Mamma, best restaurants in Paris
Pink Mamma, best restaurants in Paris

3️⃣5️⃣ Bambini Paris

Another amazing Italian restaurant is Bambini. It has stunning decor, a great location, and some really amazing food as well, making it one of our favorite dining experiences in the city! 

We got lucky and got in without a reservation shopping up right as they opened, but we'd recommend getting one just in case.

Bambini Paris, cute restaurant in Paris

3️⃣6️⃣ Pinky Bloom Paris

Another Instagram hot spot when it comes to restaurants in Paris is Pinky Bloom. You can imagine this restaurant looks just as it sounds - pink and floral.

The spot is right by the Eiffel Tower and just has a few tables. While it's certainly a bit overpriced for breakfast, and has a line up to an hour before, we did enjoy it.

We got lucky getting in as another couple allowed to join their table, but we'd recommend calling for a reservation in advance, or getting there really early.

Pinky Bloom, best restaurants in Paris

🤔 Is a Photoshoot in Paris Worth it?

Doing a photo shoot in Paris is absolutely worth it! It takes a lot of the stress out of shooting at some of the best photo spots in Paris, and will leave you with some beautiful memories.

We always use our friends Romain & Sanjukta as they are excellent photographers, and know Paris extremely well.

Trocadero, best photo spots in Paris
Trocadero, best photo spots in Paris
Trocadero, best photo spots in Paris

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So are you ready to explore all to the incredible photo spots in Paris? We hope you have a fun experience capturing the beauty of France's capital.

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About the author - Danni

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