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10 Things to Check to Make Sure Your Covid Travels Go Smoothly


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Travel is back! After a year and a half of the world in shambles, countries are starting to open their borders again, and things are finally starting to look like they are back to normal. But there are still things to keep in mind for Covid travel in 2022.

Not everyone can travel everywhere, which makes the planning process trickier than ever! That's why we've built you a checklist to make sure that your plans go smoothly. This way, you can travel with confidence, and not risk losing out on money or time.

So let's dive in, and go through all of the things to keep in mind for your Covid travel in 2022 this summer.

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Covid Travel Checklist Item #1: Which Countries Are Open Right Now?

If you look on booking sites, there are tons of flights operating. While this may seem super promising, it doesn't mean that you'll necessarily be allowed on the flight.

The first thing you need to see is if the country is in fact open for tourism. You'll then need to make sure that your country isn't on a list of those that are restricted from that destination.

For example, Greece announced that they are open. But they are not actually open to the whole world, just select countries. The most important thing to keep in mind is where you are flying from, and then to see if your nationality is also accepted across the border.

Country restrictions Skyscanner

We love Skyscanner because it shows an interactive map of which countries are open!

Disclaimer: This picture is not current, and many more countries are now open.

The good news is that by now (June 2022) most countries are open to some extent. When we wrote this article in 2021, many countries like Australia and New Zealand were still closed.

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Covid Travel Checklist Item #2: Do I Need to Be Vaccinated?

There are quite a few countries opening their doors right now. Some of them you can enter with a simple negative Covid test, while others are only for those that are fully vaccinated. It is also important to know this: even if you had your second shot, that doesn't automatically classify you as "fully vaccinated".

With the two shot vaccines such as Moderna and Pfizer, one is considered to be "fully vaccinated" after a full two weeks have passed from the date of the second dose of the vaccine. Meanwhile, with the one shot vaccines such as Johnson & Johnson, one is considered "fully vaccinated" only after a full four weeks after the shot.

Covid Vaccine, Covid Travel Checklist

Some countries only allow vaccinated passengers, so it's important to known which ones they are.

If you are considered "fully vaccinated", then good news! You will not need to quarantine or to take a Covid test before or upon arrival.


There are still some places that will still make you do both. One of the places is the UAE. When we went we had to be vaccinated and take a PCR test before arriving. In Addition, we also had to take a test upon arrival. This is a rare case, but just shows how everywhere is dramatically different.

Want to know more about what it is like to travel in the United Arab Emirates? Make sure to read the article above!

Covid Travel Checklist Item #3: Is The Vaccine I Took Accepted There?

If you've been vaccinated, that'll open up your ability to travel to many places. However, did you know that not all vaccines are recognized in each country? Make sure that the vaccine that you have aligns with the requirements of the country that you're traveling to.

The most widely accepted vaccines worldwide are Pfizer and Moderna.

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Covid Travel Checklist Item #4: Is a Negative Covid Test Necessary?

While many countries are now accepting vaccinated travelers, that doesn't mean those that aren't vaccinated cannot travel.

A lot of places around the world are actually accepting entry with just a simple negative Covid test. Most countries require the test to be taken within 72 hours, and some even require the test to be taken within 48 hours.

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Normally, the test needs to be a PCR test, not the rapid one. It's important to double check which one you need. Don't waste your money on a PCR test (they are more expensive) if you don't need to. As well, don't take a rapid one and potentially risk not being able to travel.

Some countries may still require a test, even for those who are vaccinated, or a test proving that you have already had Covid. Because of this, it is important to not make any assumptions. Be sure to check if a negative Covid test is needed, and the time frame in which it needs to be taken.

If you have had Covid recently (normally within 90 days), you will need to provide a certificate. This will states from a doctor that you have had Covid, and have antibodies.

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Covid Travel Checklist Item #5: Is There Quarantine Upon Arrival?

Many countries around the world have ditched the need to quarantine. This is usually with the proof of a vaccine or a negative Covid test. However, some may allow entry, but you'll need to quarantine if you don't have a negative Covid test. Meanwhile, some still require quarantine despite having a negative Covid test.

Every place around the world has different quarantine requirements, and it can changes from week to week. So it is important to regularly check. This way you can be prepared for potentially having to stay inside a hotel or not.

quarantine, Covid Travel Checklist

Some countries require you to quarantine upon arrival.

Covid Travel Checklist Item #6: Do I Need Health Insurance?

Health insurance is always advised while traveling anywhere around the world. Now with the pandemic, this is even more true.

In addition though, there are certain countries who require you to purchase health insurance in order to stay there! 

Make sure to double check if health insurance is necessary, and if so, which is accepted. The reason is that some countries (particularly several Caribbean islands) have tourists purchase specific health insurance through the government.

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Covid Travel Checklist Item #7: Restrictions With Layovers

When booking a flight, there may be some that are much cheaper than others. We personally love taking long layovers, as it is a way to break up the trip, and add another city to our trip. However, in times like these, this isn't always the smartest decision.

Even if you are not staying inside a country on a layover, this can be problematic for entering into the next country. For example, when Fede wanted to fly from Argentina to New York, there were plenty of cheaper flights that pass through Brazil.

Although we would have loved this as an option, the US was not allowing passengers to enter from Brazil, even if it was just a layover. (Note: This has changed). Furthermore, there are many flights in which you may be able to fly through, but the flights force you to recheck in- which is where there will be a problem with customs in certain countries.

Pedra do Telegrafo

Covid Travel Checklist Item #8: Check For Reservations

Now that you are confident you will be able to get into your destination, let's look into making sure things go according to plan while you are on your trip.

Since the pandemic hit, a lot of things have been changing in regards to dining, nightlife, and recreational activities.

Many museums, restaurants, and bars actually require a reservation in advance. Due to limited capacity, this could mean that you will need to book well in advance. This may not be for everything or everywhere. However, it is better to check ahead in case there is something you really want to do along your travels.

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Covid Travel Checklist Item #9: Requirements For Returning Home

When it comes to travel, it is definitely easier to be repatriated, than to visit a country that is not your own. However, it is important to know the requirements of your own country, as everywhere varies (for tourists and locals).

Some countries you might be able to visit, but not return from. Like we mentioned before, Brazil is a good example of this. Many people can travel to Brazil, but may face troubles trying to return to where they came from. (Note: This was the case in 2021, not in 2022).

flight to Puerto Rico, covid travel check list

It's also important to know what you need to get back home!

The first step is to make sure that you can safely return home. Then the next step is to see if you will need to take a negative Covid test before returning. This could be an extra cost, or it could mean that you will need to quarantine upon arrival to your home country. Whatever the case may be, it is always better to be prepared in advance.

Covid Travel Checklist Item #10: Pack The Essentials

After a year and a half, this may seem like it may be obvious. But many places still require masks, especially flights and public transportation. So make sure to have extra masks, hand sanitizer, and any other essentials to keep yourself safe while traveling.

Have you ever though what would your travel essentials be? when you're traveling, there's certain situations you want to be prepared for. Here you will find a list of what we found out to be absolute necessary items.What to pack? That's the biggest question when preparing for a trip. No

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We are excited to see that the world is slowly opening up and going back to normal. We also hope that this checklist has helped to keep you organized and confident for all of your future trips.

Remember that even in common territories such as the EU in Europe or the C-4 in Central America, requirements can now be different in every country. Do your research, stay up to date, and be prepared for a plan B. Happy and Safe travels everyone!

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