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The 29 Best Things to Do in Sevilla, Spain

  • Post last modified:August 19, 2024
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Sevilla is one of the most beautiful cities in Spain. With its gorgeous architecture and river running down it, there are an endless amount of things to do in Sevilla.

Home to the famous Feria de Abril, and biggest Semana Santa (easter) celebrations in Spain, this city attracts over 2 million visitors every year! Between the warm southern weather, delicious food, and gorgeous historical sites, it's no wonder that people (us included) keep going back to visit the city of Sevilla. 

In this guide we're going to cover everything you need to know- from how to get there, where to stay, and the very best things to do in Sevilla, Spain. Let's jump right in!

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Where is Sevilla in Spain?

Sevilla is the capital of and largest city of the region of Andalusia. Located in the south of Spain, it is a bit over an hour north of the coastal towns such as Tarifa and Malaga.

where is Sevilla Spain

Sevilla is located in the south of Spain, in Andalucia.

How to Get to Sevilla, Spain

Sevilla is one of the most popular cities in Spain, and is pretty well connected to the rest of Spain, as well as some other European countries. Here are the different ways that you can travel to Sevilla.

Traveling to Sevilla by Flight

Sevilla has its own airport, which is just 10 kilometers outside the city center. In Uber or taxi you can reach there in 15-20 minutes, and with the bus you can get there in about 30-40 minutes depending on traffic.

The Spanish cities that fly to Sevilla include Madrid, Barcelona, Gran Canaria, Mallorca, Alicante, Valencia, Bilbao, Ibiza, Asturias, Fuerteventura, Santiago de Compostela, and San Sebastian.

Other European cities that fly to Sevilla include MilanLisbon, Amsterdam, Toulouse, Vienna, Bari, Frankfurt, Munich, Geneva, Paris, Luxembourg, Palermo, London, Bordeaux, Eindhoven, Rome, London, MarrakechEdinburgh, and Krakow.

Flight Tip: Using Skyscanner you can try out the calendar feature to see which are the cheapest dates for flying to Sevilla.

Traveling to Sevilla by Land

Sevilla is also pretty easy to reach by land, especially from other Spanish cities. Here are the different options.

Buses to Sevilla

There are buses that go to Sevilla from many surrounding cities in Andalusia such as Granada, Malaga, and Tarifa. You can also take buses from further cities such as MadridBarcelona, Valencia, and plenty of other spots around Spain.

Want to book your tickets in advance? Here are a few popular routes:

Trains to Sevilla

Sevilla has a main train station, and has plenty of cities that is goes to and from. Some of these cities include Madrid, Cadiz, Jaen, BarcelonaGranada, Malaga, and Huelva.

BlaBla Car

This is personally our favorite way to travel around Europe. Cheaper than most buses and trains, Bla Bla Car is a ride sharing app. People list their trips, and you pay a small amount to go towards their gas. 

You just simply put in your city to Sevilla, and all of the trips will be listed in time order. You can see reviews of the driver, which car they drive, and also how much they like to "Bla Bla" (talk).

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Entry Requirements for Spain

Depending on where you are from, and where you are traveling from, will depend on your entry requirements. Here we will cover what you need to know for entering Spain (both visa and covid wise).

Visa Requirements for Spain

There are many citizenships that can enter the country of  Spain visa-free. Travelers from the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein, and Iceland can enter with no restrictions at all, while those that don't need a Schengen visa can visit for up to 90 days in a 180 day period.

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The 90/180 Rule

It's important to note that the 90 days are valid for all countries in the Schengen area. For example, if you spend 20 days in Germany (also part of the EU), you will then only be able to spend a total of 70 days in Spain within a 180 day period.

We use the Schengen visa calculator, which is helpful for those planning on traveling in and out of the EU for a long period of time.

Schengen Visas

For those of you who are planning on staying longer, or those that are from a country that don't get visa-free access, you will need to then in fact apply for a Schengen Visa. Make sure to check the list of countries that need a Schengen visa if you're unsure if you need one or not.

Covid Entry Requirements for Spain

All Covid requirements to enter Spain have been lifted (Yay!). Masks are no longer mandatory, unless visiting medical facilities, or riding in public transportation, in which they are quite strict about this.

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Local Adjustments for Sevilla in Spain

Whenever traveling somewhere new, there are things that you may forget which may be different from where you are coming from. Here are a few of the local adjustments to keep in mind while traveling to Sevilla in Spain.

What Language Do They Speak in Sevilla?

The official language in Spain is Spanish. Just like there is a difference between English is the US and English in the UK, the same goes for Spain and other Spanish speaking countries.

Some things to note about the Spanish in Spain is that there are some different pronunciations. The C and Z are pronounced with a "th" sound, which can be particularly confusing for those that learn Spanish from Latin America. Another thing to note is that in Sevilla and Andalusia in general, people tend to speak very fast, and also cut the ends of their words, which can make it a bit more difficult to understand.

Spanish people can be quite proud, and always prefer if you at least try to speak Spanish to them. We suggest learning some of the basics so that you can better communicate with the locals. 

What Currency is Used in Sevilla?

The currency used in Spain is the same as most of Europe, which is the euro. Most places accept credit card, so you won't need to have too much cash on you, unless you are taking the bus or want to buy from a street vendor.

What Plug Sockets are Used in Sevilla?

Spain use the same plug types as the rest of Europe, which are types C, E, & F. The standard voltage in Spain is 220 V and the standard frequency is 50 Hz.

If you are traveling from the US it is important to note that you won't just need an adapter, but an energy converter. This way, your electronics won't get burnt out.

Is Water Drinkable in Sevilla?

When you go to restaurants it is very rare that you will receive tap water. This is more of a custom throughout many European countries, and doesn't mean the water in potable.

The water throughout all of mainland Spain is perfectly safe to dink actually. We suggest carrying a refillable water around Sevilla, as the city can get quite hot.

Is Tipping Expected in Seville, Spain?

The tipping culture in Spain is pretty much inexistent. If you are traveling around the country it is not common to tip, unless it is a very nice restaurant, or excellent service, in which people will leave one or two euros.

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Things to Do in Sevilla, Spain

Now is the fun part! Let's discover all of the fun things to do in Sevilla, Spain. Here is a list of our top 29 favorite things to do in Sevilla.

Things to Do in Sevilla: Plazas

Sevilla is full of beautiful plazas! Here are a few of our favorite ones- from the most popular, to those hidden gems.

1. Plaza de España

Plaza de España is in our opinion, the most gorgeous part of Sevilla. Located in the middle of a huge park, this is so much more than just a square, but an architectural masterpiece. 

Plaza de España, things to do in Sevilla

Plaza de España is an architectural masterpiece.

Walk around the admire the gorgeous buildings, take a small boat ride through the pond, or snap away. We could literally spend hours in this beautiful area of Sevilla, (and we actually did).

Plaza de España, things to doin Sevilla
Plaza de España, things to do in Sevilla
Plaza de España, things to do in Sevilla Spain

Plaza de España is our favorite attraction in all of Sevilla.

2. Plaza del Triunfo

This is one of the main plazas right in the middle of the city center. Home to the giant cathedral and other iconic buildings, this plaza is must visit for things to do in Sevilla.

Plaza del Trunfo, things to do in Sevilla

Plaza del Triunfo is also home to the entrance of the Alcazar de Sevilla.

3. Plaza Virgen de los Reyes

This is another iconic area plaza of Sevilla, as it is right in the middle of some of the most iconic buildings of the city. Make sure to not miss out visiting this stunning area, which is home to the archbishop's palace.

Plaza Virgin de los Reyes, things to do in Sevilla

Plaza Virgin de los Reyes is home to some of the main things to do in Sevilla.

4. Plaza Santa Isabela

This small plaza is tucked away from the major hot spots, but is a true hidden gem in Sevilla. With a small fountain and cute church, you'll love checking out this quaint square. If you're lucky, you may also experience a talented musician playing on the bench like we did.

Plaza Santa Isabela, things to do in Sevilla
Plaza Santa Isabela. things to do in Sevilla

This quaint square sometimes has musicians playing on the bench.

5. Plaza de Santa Marta

This is another cute square that is tucked away in the backstreets of Sevilla. Quiet and quaint, it's a great square to stop and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere.

6. Plaza de Cabildo

This plaza is another seriously beautiful and less visited spot in Sevilla. The small fountain facing the curved set of buildings was one of our favorite photo spots of the city.

Plaza del Cabildo, things to do in Sevilla, Spain

Plaza del Cabildo is a hidden gem in Sevilla.

7. Plaza Nueva

This is one of the bigger and more open squares of Sevilla. Centrally located, you can find a number of restaurants and shops surrounding the square, with a big statue in its center.

Plaza Nueva in Sevilla

Plaza Nueva is one of the bigger squares in Sevilla.

Things to Do in Sevilla: Buildings, Palaces, and Monuments

There are so many things to do in Sevilla when it comes to culture. From palaces to cathedrals, here are some of our favorite spots.

catedral de Sevilla, Things to do in Sevilla
Alcazar de Sevilla, things to do in Sevilla
buildings in Sevilla

There are so many great points of interest in Sevilla.

8. Royal Alcazar de Sevilla

If you're looking for the best things to do in Sevilla, then this is one that you need to add to your list.

The Royal Alcazar de Sevilla is a royal palace that will make you feel as if you've just teleported to Morocco. With its beautiful gardens and intricate designs, it is one of the most beautiful things to see in Sevilla.

Tickets to visit the Real Alcazar de Sevilla are 14.50 euros, and it is open from 9:30 am to 8 pm. Google Maps actually says 5 pm, but when we went, they told us the real hours (so this is as accurate as it gets for spring/summer 2022).

Alcazar de Sevilla
Alcazar de Sevilla gardens
Alcazar de sevilla

Visiting the Alcazar is one of the best things to do in Sevilla.

Want a guided tour of the Alcazar? Here are a few options:

9. Archbishop's Palace

This 18th century palace is located in the heart of things to do in Sevilla. Its yellow and red color and Baroque style, make it such a beautiful place to stop by, right by the Royal Alcazar.

Archbishops palace, things to do in Sevilla

The Archbishop's palace is a huge monumental building in Sevilla.

10. Torre del Oro

This military watchtower is one of the most iconic things to see in Sevilla. Located right on the water, its a beautiful spot to come check out. The golden tower can also be entered on the inside, and climbed to the top for some impressive views of the river and buildings around it.

Torre del Oro, things to do in Sevilla

The Torre del Oro is one of the symbols of the city.

11. Palacio de San Telmo

This building was built in 1682 as a university, and now is the seat of the presidency of the Andalusian Autonomous Government. It is one of our favorite buildings in Sevilla, and just up the road from Torre del Oro.

Archbishops Palace, things to do in Sevilla

Palacio de San Telmo is just up the road from Torre del Oro.

12. Palacio de la Condesa de Lebrija

This house museum is another Arabic looking palace just like the Alcazar. It has gorgeous arches, manicured gardens, and roman mosaic and statues.

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13. Catedral de Sevilla

This cathedral is so fabulously beautiful that it was actually declared an UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987. Also known as Saint Mary by the See, Catedral de Sevilla is conveniently located in the heart of Sevilla, right by the Royal Alcazar.

Catedral de Sevilla. Spain
Catedral de Sevilla. Spain
Catedral de Sevilla. Spain

The Sevilla Cathedral is one of the most beautiful architectural pieces in the city.

Want to take a tour that includes the Catedral de Sevilla? Here are a few options:

Things to Do in Sevilla: Neighborhoods & Streets

One of our favorite things to do in Sevilla is to simply walk around and enjoy the beauty of the architecture and atmosphere. Here are a few of our favorite neighborhoods to check out.

14. Barrio de Santa Cruz

This is our favorite neighborhood of Sevilla, as it is the heart of the historical center. Full of cute boutique shops, and beautiful decorated eateries, Barrio de Santa Cruz is the perfect place to simply soak of the vibes of Sevilla.

Barrio Santa Cruz Sevilla
walking around Sevilla

Barrio de Santa Cruz is super colorful and picturesque.

15. Triana

Located across the river from the historic center, Triana is a trendy neighborhood that will give you some more local vibes. With cute alleyways and plenty of shops and restaurants, this is a great area to check out in the city of Sevilla.

Triana, Sevilla

Triana is super colorful and has plenty fo bars and restaurants.

Want a tour in Triana? Here are some super fun ones:

16. Callejon de la Inquisicion

Located right in the neighborhood of Triana, is one of the smallest street in Sevilla, with a dark history. Callejon de la Inquisition is 100 meter narrow alley that prisoners used to walk through on their way to being executed.

Callejon de la inquisicion, thing to do in Sevilla

Callejon de la Inquisition has a dark history behind it.

17. Calle Mármoles

Welcome to a hidden gem nestled between the small busy streets of Sevilla. Calle Marmoles has a set of roman ruins. They are situated right next to normal apartment buildings, but the columns have managed to remain in tact.

ruins in Sevilla

You can find these ruins tucked away on Calle Marmoles.

Things to Do in Sevilla: Architecture & Art

As we said, the architecture in Sevilla is just breathtaking! Whether it's to go inside and enjoy the patio or installations, or simply admire the outside of the building, here are our some of our favorite spots for art and architecture throughout the city.

architecture of Sevilla
architecture of Sevilla
architecture of Sevilla

Sevilla has some of the most beautiful architecture in the country.

18. Arco de la Macarena

Head a little north of the main tourist area of Sevilla and you'll find the neighborhood of La Macarena. The golden arch is at the entrance of the area, and is surrounded by beautiful yellow buildings.

portada de Macarena, things to do in Sevilla
portada de Macarena, things to do in Sevilla

Located north of the center, it this beautiful entrance with yellow buildings around it.

19. Pabellon de Marruecos

If you're looking for some more hidden gems in Sevilla, then make sure to add this one to your list. Pabellon de Marruecos is something that was built for an expo to appreciate the multi-cultural history of Andalusia. The intricate turquoise and white designs will make you feel as if you truly just stepped into Morocco.

Pebellon de Marruecos, things to do in Sevilla
Pebellon de Marruecos, things to do in Sevilla
Pebellon de Marruecos, things to do in Sevilla

Pabellon de Sevilla is a true hidden gem in the city.

20. Centro Andaluz de Arte

This is another lesser known attraction in Sevilla, as it is across the bridge from the center, and north of the neighborhood of Triana. Just a short walk from Pabellon de Marruecos, this center has great art and architecture worth checking out.

centro de arte andaluz

This is a great place to check out for those art lovers.

21. Centro Ceramica Triana

Tucked away in a corner of Triana lies a truly unique museum. What was once an old factory, now serves as a place to appreciate the traditions of pottery and ceramics in the neighborhood.

ceramic museum, things to do in Sevilla

Inside is a truly unique museum.

22. Hospital de la Caridad

This looks like a beautiful church on the outside, and is actually an elderly residence and religious site in Sevilla. We personally didn't think the inside was worth 8 euros a person, but we do think the outside of the building is beautiful to stop by.

Church, things to do in Sevilla

The outside of this church is super picturesque.

23. Hotel las Casa de la Juderia

This is actually not something you can publicly visit, but definitely a beautiful and unique place to stay in Sevilla. Hotel las Casas de la Juderia is a set of 27 traditional Sevillana homes that are connected by passages and courtyards.

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Things to Do in Sevilla Pin
Things to Do in Sevilla Pin
Things to Do in Sevilla Pin

24. Real Fabrica de Artilleria

This is a spot for the photography lovers out there. Tucked away in the neighborhood of San Bernardo, this preserved building is equally beautiful on the inside as it is on the outside.

Things to Do in Sevilla: Other Major Attractions

You'll already learned so many beautiful spots to check out throughout the city, but these are a couple of others that you absolutely need to see!

25. Plaza de Toros

This is one of the most iconic parts of Sevilla. Plaza de Toros is the famous bull arena. While we absolutely do not support buying tickets to a bull fight, we definitely suggest getting a ticket for any other event to experience the inside.

Plaza de Torros, things to do in Sevilla

Plaza de Torros is one of the most significant spots in Sevilla.

Again, we urge you not to attend a bull fight. We understand its a cultural tradition, but we assure you won't leave happy. It is as unexciting as it is upsetting.

26. Setas de Sevilla

This structure is one of the most fantastic architectural pieces you will ever see. A series of connected mushroom  looking platforms can be admired from afar, or even climbed along the top!

Setas de Sevilla
Setas de Sevilla

Setas de Sevilla can be admired from below or by walking on top.

We think visiting both during day and night is spectacular. Get there in the afternoon to witness the sun letting behind the city, just before the colorful lights start to come to life.

General tickets start at 10 euros for adults, and there is a small extra charge for sunset. The Seats de Sevilla are open 7 days a week from 9:30 am til midnight.

Setas de Sevilla at night
Setas de Sevilla at night
Setas de Sevilla at night

Every night the mushrooms light up with colors.

Things to Do in Sevilla: Gastronomic Experiences

One of the best things to do when traveling is to try the local food. While we experienced a ton of different restaurants around the city, we've narrowed it down to the few that you should definitely check out.

27. Mercado Lonja del Barranco

We absolutely loved everything about this market. Rather than being a market with competing vendors, this entire venue runs like a well oiled machine. From tasty tapas to fresh seafood, all your gastronomic needs are met in jus one place!

The market is beautiful to walk around, and has a lovely atmosphere, and even more lovely staff. Located right on the river, Mercado Lonja del Barranco is a must visit while in Sevilla.

market in Sevilla
market in Sevilla
market, things to do in Sevilla

Mercado Lonja del Barranco has a variety of choices to choose from.

28. Ceveceria Giralda Bar

This place is stunning inside, and also has a great atmosphere on the outside. The food is delicious, and it is definitely one of the best restaurants in Sevilla. Make sure to try the Rabo de Torro!

29. La Cacharreria

This is definitely the best breakfast spot in Sevilla. They have everything from different types of eggs benedicts to fresh smoothie and pressed juices. The place was adorable, and the service was incredible- definitely a must for breakfast or brunch! 

best brunch in Sevilla
best brunch in Sevilla

La Cacharreria is one of the best brunch spots in Sevilla.

Want to go on a gastronomic tour? Here are some really cool ones:

Things to Do in Sevilla: Major Events

Our favorite things to do in Sevilla actually revolve around two major events that happen each year. Here are our favorite things to do in Sevilla for special celebrations.

Semana Santa

Semana Santa refers to the week of Easter. This is when all Spaniards have off work and school, kind of like a "spring break". although Easter is celebrated much different in Spain. Instead of celebrating on just the Sunday, they have week long activities and celebrations.

Sevilla is the number one destination for Semana Santa in Spain, and is truly something special to experience.

The city of Sevilla is flooded by locals and tourists alike, and there are huge parades each day. It may look super odd, but there are large groups of people in capes, with a cone shape to their hoods. While it is shocking to see, it is not actually in any kind, a relation to the KKK.

One of the most fun parts of traveling, is experiencing other cultures. A huge part of cultures are the holidays and festivals that are celebrated throughout the year! That's why we've pulled together some of our favorite festivities around the globe to share with you. Here are 10 holiday celebrations

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Feria de Abril

Every year there is a long awaited week each year, that happens two weeks after Semana Santa. Feria de Abril, also know as the spring fair, is a must experience, and definitely one of the best things to do in Sevilla, Spain.

For a full week there is a fair. Not only are there games, rides, and sweet snacks, but "casetas". These assets are tents where you can find live music, dancing, and lots of food and drinks. Everyone dresses in typical Flamenco outfits, there are horse drawn carriages, and plenty of partying.

Feria de Abril, things to do in Sevilla
Feria de Abril, things to do in Sevilla
Seria de Sevilla, best places to travel in April

Feria de Abril is the spring fair in Sevilla, a once in a lifetime experience.

We had such an amazing week at Feria de Abril, and a lot really took us surprise. That's why we're written a full article about everything to expect for attending Feria de Abril!

Suggested Read: Feria de Abril, Sevilla: The Spring Fair to Add to Your Bucket List

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Things to Do in Sevilla: Food & Drink

There are certain staples that are typical around all of Spain, such as tortilla, paella, jamon, and tapas. 

However, there are also specialties in each region of the country that should be added to your list. Here are some things you need to try while in Sevilla, and Andalusia in general.

Local Dishes to Try in Sevilla

  • Gazpacho: This is a cold soup that is made of pureed raw vegetables. Mainly tomato, Gazpacho also has garlic, onion, and peppers, both blended, and on top as a garnish.
  • Salmorejo: Salmorejo is another cold soup, just like Gazpacho. The difference is that it is much thicker, and is topped with chopped hard boiled eggs and jamon.
  • Flamenquin: This typical dish is made with slices of jamón serrano that are wrapped in pieces of pork loin. They are then coated with breadcrumbs and deep fried- sinful but delicious!
  • Rabo de Torro: When you know what Rabo de Torro is, there are chances you won't be too enticed. But let us tell you- that the tail of the bull is extremely tasty, and the meat is just like Osso Bucco.
  • Rebujito: This special drink is particularly popular for Feria de Abril. This is Manzanilla (a type of sherry) then mixed with lemon-lime soda or sprite.

Best Restaurants in Sevilla

Want to know some of our favorite spots to eat in Sevilla? Simply click here to go back and see them under our "gastronomic experiences".

Here are some more fun food tours in Sevilla:

Moving Around Sevilla

Sevilla is a rather big city, but is actually super pedestrian friendly. There are so many things to do in Sevilla, that we suggest doing as much walking as possible!

There are public buses, Ubers, and taxis also available, but we truly don't think they are worth the time or money.

If you aren't keen on walking a lot, there are also scooter rentals that are super fun, and make it very easy to get around the city of Sevilla. Just find any random scooter, download the app, and start riding. It's that easy!

horses feria de abril

Sevilla is a very easy city to get around. During Feria de Abril you'll find many people on horses!

Want to take some fun tours while getting around? Here are some great combos:

Where to Stay in Sevilla

Sevilla is quite a large city, so it can be tricky to decide where to stay. We personally love the neighborhoods of Triana or Santa Cruz, as they are the closest to all of the best things to do in Sevilla, and well connected by public transportation. Check the map below for all of the booking options:

Is Sevilla Safe?

Overall, we felt very safe in the city of Sevilla. Spain in general isn't too dangerous. The only thing to be mindful of is pickpockets in crowded areas.

Just keep an eye on your belongings, and you'll be fine. Other than that, it is totally safe for solo travelers to walk around both day and night without having to worry.

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Other Things to Know About Visiting Sevilla, Spain

Now you know all the best things to do in Sevilla, how to get around, and the rest of the basics. Here are a few other things to keep in mind when you are traveling to Sevilla, Spain.

What is the Best Month to Visit Sevilla, Spain?

In our opinion, the very best time to visit Sevilla is in April. This is when both large celebrations happens, and there is so much life to the city!

We suggest avoiding the summer months, as it is extremely hot, like unbearably hot. Being that Sevilla isn't on the coast, but is warmer than most places in Spain, we suggest going in early spring or late fall for less crowds and pleasant weather.

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Weather & Packing for Sevilla

Like we said, Sevilla gets very hot and sunny! Definitely bring sunscreen, light clothes, and comfortable shoes for exploring. If you plan on visiting for Feria de Abril, you can get everything you need once you are in the city.

Packing List for Sevilla, Spain

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Is Sevilla Worth Visiting?

Sevilla is definitely worth visiting! It is one of the most beautiful cities in Spain, and it has so much to see and do.

How Many Days Do You Need for Sevilla, Spain?

If you're planning on visiting Sevilla for a a special even such as Semana Santa or Feria de Abril, we suggest visiting for a full week. This way, you can experience all of the events, do some sightseeing, and maybe even do a day trip or two.

You can definitely cover most of the things to do in Sevilla in 2-3 days, but we truly think the city is worth 5 days, as there are also some really beautiful places on the outskirts as well.

Is Sevilla in Spain worth visiting
Is Sevilla in Spain worth visiting
Is Sevilla in Spain worth visiting
Is Sevilla in Spain worth visiting

Sevilla in Spain has so many incredible places to explore.

Now you are ready for all the amazing things to do in Sevilla and an amazing trip! We know you'll fall in love with this city, as well as the surrounding cities in Andalusia. 

Plan on visiting other areas of Spain? Make sure to check out our other guides like MadridBarcelona, and Costa Blanca

Need help planning your trip? We got you covered. Did you know we went to Sevilla from Morocco for just 3 euros? With Scratch Your Mapa Travel Planning we can create your dream trip for pennies on the dollar. Explore more, spend less. Take a sneak peak at our travel planning packages that we offer.

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